Styling your investment property

More often than not, styling is associated with selling your home, but that home may be an investment property – or indeed you might be styling it to attract tenants not buyers.

Taking the time and effort to style your property is worth the investment because you will make it stand out. Try these for ideas on making your investment property feel homely without spending a fortune.

Create a great first impression.

Refresh interior walls with new wallpaper or a fresh coat of paint in a light, neutral colour.

Display neutral wall art such as abstract artwork with fresh bursts of colour or typography pieces.

Lighting has a big effect on how we feel. Replace fluorescent lighting or overly bright ceiling lighting to create a softer ambiance.

A pop of greenery works wonders and there are some quality ‘fakes’ that can do the job, and are not too expensive. Shop around. Try Kmart, for instance.

Create a pleasant usable outdoor space. Think about relaxed seating, vertical gardens, pot plants and garden boxes as well as lighting, protection from the weather and shade from the sun.

If styling your investment property to maximise your potential rental return is appropriate for you, don’t forget the furnishings may be a tax deduction. If you are styling to sell, great presentation can help maximise the sale price.


SOURCE: RE/MAX Australia

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