Vacancy rates in most markets across the country are low, with every indication that they will stay low for some time. With this in mind, you may be considering expanding your property portfolio.

You’ve heard the advice. Location is key. Convenience rules. Access to transport, medical facilities, shops and schools are big advantages. Don’t restrict yourself to your own backyard. Evaluate what the suburb has to offer for potential tenants. Learn how to read a property market from its supply and demand qualities. And that’s just a sample!

It is a community’s infrastructure that draws people to it.

Here’s something you might not have considered when it comes to infrastructure that adds value.

Research by Propertyology, Australia’s premier property market analyst, has suggested that quality stadiums and integrated sporting amenities might make a greater contribution to the general strength of a community than anything else.

Sports infrastructure projects might not only improve on liveability, but also have positive impacts for a community through job creation during and post construction.

The Sports Australia Council lent its support. It said that sport was a big business and a good investment, providing an estimated $83 billion in combined economic, health and educational benefits each year.

If you consider that 6.5 out of every 10 Australians are actively involved in sport, it does make sense that sporting initiatives can get to the heart and soul of a community, in big way. Perhaps more so than other major infrastructure projects.

From cities to smaller regional centres, the potential in adding quality sporting infrastructure has been realised.

So, when you are researching your next property investment, expand your view beyond train stations, hospitals, universities, airports, highways and shopping centres to encompass stadiums and other sporting infrastructure.


SOURCE: RE/MAX Australia

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